Save extra with our Builder partners!

For a limited time, we’re partnering with some of Melbourne’s leading builders to offer you up to $50k* in savings on select House & Land packages at Officer Fields.
We’ll take $25k* off the lot price, with builder partners offering a range of bonuses and inclusions valued at up to $25k*!
Plus, as an added bonus, you can secure your lot with House & Land packages with just a $10k* land deposit.
Get in touch today to SAVE EXTRA on House & Land packages at Officer Fields.
*Terms and conditions apply. Subject to availability. Offer ends 5pm December 20th 2023. All pricing is correct as of 04/11/2023 and is subject to change without notification. Details of any houses depicted including the specifications and inclusions are based on information provided by the relevant builders. All purchasers must refer to the relevant builder of the house depicted for further information.