Stage 3
October 2023:
Stage 3 has now Titled with settlements nearing completion.
September 2023:
Stage 3 has now Titled with Settlements to begin 25th September 2023.
August 2023:
- The Project Team are working with the relevant authorities to achieve Statement of Compliance in August. We will continue to keep you updated and sincerely apologise for the delays in this process.
- Titles forecast: August – September 2023.
July 2023:
- Practical Completion has been achieved.
- Titles forecast: July – August 2023.
June 2023:
- Internal topsoil and concrete works are nearly complete.
- Pavement works along Brown Rd to commence shortly.
- Waterway topsoil works nearing completion & footpath works to commence shortly.
- Titles forecast: July – August 2023.
May 2023:
- Internal topsoil and concrete works are underway.
- Asphalt works are to be completed shortly along Brown Road.
- Waterway rockwork complete. Topsoiling to commence shortly.
- Titles forecast: June – July 2023.
April 2023:
- Electrical & Telecommunications works complete.
- Footpath & kerb works to commence shortly along Brown Road.
- Retaining walls complete.
- Waterway rockwork ongoing.
- Titles forecast: June 2023.
March 2023:
- Electrical works are almost complete.
- Telecommunications works are to commence shortly.
- Brown Road electrical works are complete.
- Waterway rockwork is ongoing, with pedestrian bridge piers to be installed shortly.
- Titles forecast for April-June 2023.
February 2023:
- Concrete works and electrical trenching are underway.
- Brown Road bulk earthworks are underway, with drainage to commence shortly.
- Waterway construction progressing well with rockwork almost complete.
- Titles forecast for April-June 2023.
January 2023:
Our contractors have recently returned to site after the Christmas and New Year break. As work has only recently resumed on-site, there are no new updates from the Construction Update in December 2022.
December 2022:
- Drainage and watermain works are now complete.
- Work on the road sub-base has now commenced, with kerb & channel work (more commonly known as gutters) to commence in the new year.
- Stage 3 titles are forecast to be issued from April – June 2023
November 2022:
- Watermains and drainage works are ongoing and progressing well.
- Stage 3 titles are forecast to be issued from April – June 2023
October 2022:
- Sewer and drainage works are ongoing.
- Stage 3 titles are forecast to be issued from April – June 2023
September 2022:
- Sewer and drainage works have now commenced.
- Stage 3 titles are forecast to be issued from March – May 2023
August 2022:
- Stage 3 bulk earth works are under currently underway.
- Stage 3 titles are now forecast to be issued in Q1 2023
July 2022:
- Stage 3 bulk earth works are ongoing and road boxing in now complete.
- Stage 3 titles are forecast to be issued from March – May 2023
June 2022:
We’re excited to share with you that construction on Stage 3 at Officer Fields has commenced, with bulk earthworks on site recently starting.
We look forward to providing you with monthly progress updates on the construction of Stage 3.